Give the Gift of Surgery and Care

You can help provide children with a new smile and hope for a brighter future. Launch your own Smile Fund campaign to fundraise with your friends and change lives.

Commitment to Quality

This commitment can present challenges, but they are challenges we overcome every day. We focus on:


Certified psychosocial care providers help patients and families throughout the course of their treatment.


Timely cleft surgery is essential to a patient’s long-term health and well-being.


Speech therapists help patients speak more clearly and teach parents feeding techniques for their babies..


Certified psychosocial care providers help patients and families throughout the course of their treatment.

You can give one of these children a life

Donate Monthly :

where are we ?

Fundraise With Us

3641 Faculty Boulevard Virginia Beach, VA 23453 USA

Fundraise With Us

3641 Faculty Boulevard Virginia Beach, VA 23453 USA

Open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.


contact us

We appreciate your interest in our services/products, and we look forward to assisting you. Thank you for choosing

You can give children a chance to grow up without life-threatening health problems, social stigma, isolation and feelings of hopelessness.

Giving Monthly

Your monthly gift creates a larger, long-lasting impact at a gift amount that meets your budget.

Memorial Gifts

Make a donation in honor of a loved one to give a new smile to a child in need. mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Donor Advised Funds

Invest your charitable donation in a fund that is simple, flexible and tax-efficient.


Corporate partners can donate supplies, equipment and services to support global health programs.

Plan Your Giving

Include us in your will, trust, life insurance or retirement and make a lasting impact.

Partner with Us

Corporations and businesses that share our vision are critical to our work in transforming lives.

Start a Smile Fund

Inspire others to give new smiles to children with cleft conditions through a Smile Fund.

Online Store

Visit our Smile Shop to purchase official merchandise that supports our work around the world.

Donate Your Vehicle

Donate your cars, boats, motorcycles and other vehicles.

Stories You Make Possible

A Brighter Day for Sunday

A Brighter Day for Sunday

Meet 1-year-old Sunday. Photo: Jasmin Shah. “There were so many other mothers going through the same as me,” Sunday’s mom, Esner, said after arriving to

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